POP-UP Class

Heads up, young folk. There is something new & interesting popping up!

The very first edition of Pop Up Class will take place in Antwerp.
— What?

An interactive meeting spot, right in the heart of Antwerp. A place fit for a solid lunch break or emptying a few beers after attending one of our guest speaker’s inspirational sessions. Pop Up Class has arrived.
Three things to look forward to:

+ Guest speakers
We’ll be inviting a few friends. Upcoming talents or established household names mostly. Solid stuff, not some self-proclaimed guru that we all pretend to understand. People that are here for you, not the other way around. They’ll bring their infectious passion and entrepreneurship to the stage, ready to convince you that there’s more to building a successful tech startup than a mass exodus to Silicon Valley.

+ Lunch bar
Brain work requires the occasional refueling, so hop along to our lunch bar for some healthy & affordable munchies. We’ll be ready to quench your thirst too, can’t have one without the other.

+ Food, drinks & talks
The lunch bar will reopen in the evening with the usual food and drinks. Our selected speakers will then kick off at 8 PM, so don’t linger around the barman for too long; he’ll still be there after the talks to welcome you back with his DJ.
— Where?

A great event deserves an even greater venue, so we thought the Antwerp Opera will do just fine. Navigate your eager brain to the corner of the Frankrijklei and the Franklin Roosevelt Sq. You can find us next to the bus stops from the Rooseveltplaats and within walking distance of the Central Station!

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